From: "Ray & Kristina Sandidge" Subject: Looking ahead Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2001 09:22:50 -0700 To all our members, family and friends, we at Pheasant Canyon Vineyards would like to express our deepest sympathies to those who have lost loved ones or friends in this past weeks tragedy. We are praying for all of you and for those of you who were directly or indirectly involved. You are not far from our thoughts. What we have seen on the news or read in the papers or magazines breaks our hearts, and we can not even possibly imagine how you must be feeling at this time. It is so hard to comprehend what has happened, especially when I get up in the morning to a blue sky, my family and the days routine. Yet on the other side of our great nation, peoples lives have been changed forever. Their sky is not as blue, their families shattered and their routines not what they had ever hoped to have to do. I feel helpless and somewhat guilty. Someone else's tragedy has made me realize, even more so, that life is not to be taken for granted. That my family is precious. That my friends are priceless. That my time has been wasted. "Life goes on"...but how I live it will be different now. I do not look forward to the days ahead as I know that things will get worse before they get better. So I will pray and do what ever I can do to help. For those of you wishing to help I urge you to visit the following site, there is a lot to be done: Following is a brief update on our winery that I drafted on Sept.7, 2001. I had originally thought about deleting it and not sending it in light of recent events, but I decided to send it anyway. My mindset has changed and the excitement I felt when typing it has diminished. However, we must continue to do what it is that we do: Have faith. Be strong. Love a lot. Give. God Bless, Kristina ************************************************************************ Greetings Everyone! Well, it is about to happen......HARVEST! Ray has spent the last 2 weeks preparing himself the cellar staff and his family for the upcoming event. Ray and the cellar staff have been bottling like mad in order to beat the crush. Ray will be bottling the CR Sandidge labeled wine in the upcoming week!!(He is bottling today, Sept. 14th) Due to unforeseen complications (the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms), Ray's bottling schedule was moved from July to September. Just a minor delay......However, we are excited to be putting our "Inaugural Wines" in the bottle! I will be there to capture the first bottle coming off the line. (Not today, giving blood) Ray is expecting harvest to begin as early as the week of September 17th.(Kestrel received the first load of grapes yesterday) At that time I will begin my daily vigil of calling and asking, "When are you going to be home?" The kids and I will make a few treks to the winery with dinner in tow just so we can get a glimpse of him. I extend the invitation to any of you who might like to join us in this crusade. Ray and I would also like to invite you to come join the crush. If you have never experienced crush, you really should try and make it over to the Kestrel facilities. The weather is perfect this time of year, not to hot and not to cold. Some of you may have visited our web site,, and noticed that we have a new look. If you have not visited recently, please do so and tell us what you think. Kudos go out the Robert Sandidge (Ray's brother) and to Pierce Emata for their great work. It was a down to the last minute endeavor, (sorry Robert!) but the results are wonderful. Our wines will be available to the Wine Club Members as of December 1st. If you have not already done so, and wish to join, please fill out the form on our web page. I will be contacting Wine Club Members, no later than November, for any needed information. Also, if you are looking for that unusual Christmas gift, a Wine Club Membership would be ideal. You would purchase it for the year and when it was time to roll over I would contact the persons whose name it was given to and see if they would like to continue with it. Please call or email me if you need more information. Our email updates will continue as things change or happen here at Pheasant Canyon Vineyards. If you know of anyone who might be interested in receiving our updates, please have them contact us. *** If you do not want to continue receiving email for us, please just reply with UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject line.*** Cheers, Kristina Sandidge