MikeL's Guide to WA Wineries
Directions to Cadence Winery
Set your GPS destination to: Lat=47.6234, Long=-122.3304
From North (Everett) [green highlight on map]:
- Take I-5 southbound to exit 167 (Mercer St., Seattle Ctr.); stay
left when lane opens out to two.
- After 0.4 miles, Left at signal onto Fairview Ave. N.
- After 0.1 miles, Left at next signal onto Republican
- After 0.2 miles, Right onto Yale.
- The winery is in the driveway immediately on the Left. Park on
the street, and walk in, the last door on the left.
From South (Olympia) [green highight on map]:
- Take I-5 northbound to exit 167 (Mercer St.).
- Follow "Driving from North" directions from step 2.
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Prefer to make your own? Try these online mapping services...
(Click on companies logo for their main page,or click on the specific link to start browsing at the winery.)
TIGER Mapping Service
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Mike Lempriere