MikeL's Guide to WA Wineries
Chateau Ste. Michelle
Whidbeys Liqueur label

[Label source: ?]
Chateau Ste. Michelle ran a tasting room from an old
loganberry farm on Whidbey Island from the early 1980's to Sep-1997.
I believe their Whidbey's Loganberry Liqueur was produced on the
premises. This brings up two intersting side notes to WA State
liquor laws:
- You could not taste Whidbeys Liqueur there as it has too high
alcohol (44 proof). WA law dictates this can only be served in a
licensed premises -- which requires a major percentage of the
businesses income to come from food sales. They'd have had to be a
- To sell the Whidbey's product there, it had to have special
handling as it is fortified wine -- liquor. It had to be sold to the
Washington State Liquor Control Board (WSLCB), shipped to a downtown
Seattle WSLCB warehouse, "sealed", then sold and shipped back to the
winery before it could be sold to the public.
In 1999 all Stimson Lane port wines were made at the Columbia Crest facility by
winemaker Ray Einberger.
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Mike Lempriere