MikeL's Guide to WA Wineries
Directions to Chatter Creek Winery
Set your GPS destination to: Lat=47.6684, Long=-122.3211
From South (downtown Seattle, Bellevue via SR-520, dark green highlight on map):
- Take I-5 north to exit 169 (45th St./50th St.).
- Stay left on exit ramp (50th St.).
- At Signal, straight across 50th St.
- After 0.2 miles, Left onto 55th St.
- Park. Winery is the white house with green trim; entrance around back.
From North (Everett, light green highlight on map):
- Take I-5 South to exit 169 (50th. St.).
- Left at offramp onto 50th (across freeway).
- After 0.1 miles, Left onto 7th Ave.
- Follow "Driving From South" from step 4.
Bicycling (pink highlight on map):
- Take off the Burke-Gilman at Brooklyn Ave. NE, going North.
- Go 1.0 miles up the hill to 55th St.
- Left onto 55th St. and go West for 0.3 miles, across 7th Ave.
- Follow "Driving From South" from step 5.
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Prefer to make your own? Try these online mapping services...
(Click on companies logo for their main page,or click on the specific link to start browsing at the winery.)
TIGER Mapping Service
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Mike Lempriere