MikeL's Guide to WA Wineries
Directions to Hyatt Vineyards
Set your GPS destination to: Lat=46.4468, Long=-120.2829
From West (Yakima) [dark green to light green on map below]:
- Take I82 East to exit 50 (Toppenish, Buena).
- Left at end of exit ramp on Buena Rd.
- After 0.8 miles, straight at stop across Old Yakima Valley Highway.
- After 0.4 miles, (road bears left, then) take first Right onto Highland Drive, and up hill.
- After 1.2 miles, Left onto Bonair Rd.
- After 1.0 miles, main drag turns Right (becomes Gilbert Rd.).
- After 0.5 miles, right into parking lot.
From East (Prosser) [light green on map below]:
- Take I82 West to exit 54 (Zillah).
- Right at bottom of exit ramp onto Old Yakima Valley Highway.
- After 2.7 miles, right onto Cheyne Rd.
- After 1.0 miles, straight at stop across Highland Drive.
- After 1.0 miles, Left onto Gilbert Rd.
- After 0.5 miles, left into parking lot.
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Mike Lempriere