MikeL's Guide to WA Wineries
Directions to Lopez Island Vineyards
Set your GPS destination to: Lat=48.5257, Long=-122.9008
Note! This is an approximate location!
From South (Seattle):
- Take I-5 North to exit 226 (Mt. Vernon).
- Left at end of ramp.
- After 0.2 miles, Right onto 2nd. St.
- After 0.3 miles, Left onto W. Division St.
- [Note: After 0.1 miles,
Pasek Cellars is one block left on Cleveland Ave.].
- Continue 5.0 miles until SR-536 intersects SR-20.
- Left onto SR-20 Westbound.
- After 9.9 miles, Right onto R Ave.
- After 1.3 miles, Left onto 12th St.
- After 3.3 miles, Right onto Ferry Terminal Road.
- Take the Anacortes/San Juan Islands ferry
(route map),
(schedule) to Lopez Island.
- ?
From North (Bellingham):
- Take I-5 South to exit 230 (SR20, Anacortes).
- Go West towards Anacortes.
- After 4.6 miles, observe SR-536 comes in from Mt. Vernon.
[Note: Pasek Cellars is in downtown Mt. Vernon.].
- Follow Driving from South from step 8.
The San Juan Islands make for a wonderful several day bike tour. (Get
your B&B reservations months in advance if in summer.)
Follow driving directions to Anacortes ferry dock. Leave your car at
the appropriate parking area there, and walk your bikes onto the
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Mike Lempriere