MikeL's Guide to WA Wineries
Directions to McCrea Cellars
Set your GPS destination to: Lat=46.4259, Long=-120.2921
From North (Seattle):
- Take I-5 south to exit 111 (Yelm, SR-510).
- Left at end of ramp, southbound.
- After 0.6 miles, Left onto Pacific Ave. SE. (510 E, Yelm)
- After 2.1 miles, stay Right.
- After 10.3 miles, Right onto SR-507.
- After 2.8 miles, Right onto Manke Rd. SE.
- After 0.3 miles, road zogs Right, then after 0.2 miles, zogs back Left.
- After 0.1 miles, winery is first driveway on Left.
From South (Portland OR):
- Take I-5 exit 95, Right at end of ramp onto Maytown Rd. SW./li>
- After 2.5 miles, Right onto Tilby Rd. S.
- After 4.9 miles, onto Old Highway 99 SW.
- After 3.6 miles, stay stright (becomes SR-507) through the town of
- After 11.3 miles, Left onto Manke Rd.
- Follow Driving from North directions from step 8.
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Mike Lempriere