MikeL's Guide to WA Wineries
Restaurants - Seattle
The following restaurants have been recommended by other visitors to
this website. Please send me email
(send email to mikel) with your
restaurant recommendations and a few comments about them for this area.
- Cafe Roma
?: Great italian, medium sized wine list but well chosen, very
nice atmosphere; it's sure to please.
- Fuggazi
?: Nouveau cuisine, rotating menu to accomodate the season,
excellent food and atmosphere, reservations recommended for the
- Luna's
?: Nouveau cuisine, rotating menu to accomodate the season,
excellent food and atmosphere, medium to high price, reservations highly
- Thai Kitchen
?: Excellent Thai food, no liquor, low to medium priced,
food is made to order so it can be slow to get food. If going call your
order in ahead of time.
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Mike Lempriere