MikeL's Guide to WA Wineries
Directions to Mont Elise Vineyards [defunct]
Set your GPS destination to: Lat=45.7120, Long=-121.4583
From North (Seattle):
- Take I-5 South to exit (7?) (I-205).
- After 14.7 miles, exit to I-84, eastbound.
[Note: After 7.1 miles,
Edgefield is a few miles off exit 13.].
- [Note: After 46.3 miles,
Flerchinger Vineyards and
Hood River Vineyards are a few miles off
exit 62.].
- After 2.4 miles, take exit 64, Left across Hood River Bridge.
- After 1.4 miles across bridge, Right onto SR-14.
- After 1.2 miles, winery is on Right.
From East (Yakima):
- Take exit 50 from I-82 (Buena).
- Right at end of ramp.
- After 3.4 miles, road becomes SR-97.
- After 58.1 miles, Right onto SR-14.
- [Note:
Just a few miles left is a replica of the Stonehenge monument --
you'll undoubtedly never have a better chance to see it!].
- [Note: The Maryhill Museum of Modern
Art is just ahead to the Left. Especially notable, for their
collection of Rodin sculptures.]
- [Note: After 12.7 miles, Cascade Cliffs Winery is on the
- After 22.6 miles, winery is on left.
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Mike Lempriere