MikeL's Guide to WA Wineries
Directions to Rainey Valley Winery
Set your GPS destination to: Lat=46.5412, Long=-122.1050
Note! This is an approximate location -- MikeL.


    From North (Seattle):
  1. Take I-5 south to exit 68.
  2. Stay east on highway 12 for about 30 miles into Morton.
  3. Stay right on highway 12 for about 10 miles to Glenoma.
  4. Follow signs into lot on left.
  5. Look for the covered bridge.

Map courtesy Microsoft Expedia Streets
Overall map
Prefer to make your own? Try these online mapping services...
(Click on companies logo for their main page,or click on the specific link to start browsing at the winery.)
TIGER Mapping Service
Detail map Static



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