MikeL's Guide to WA Wineries
Directions to Rich Passage Winery
Set your GPS destination to: Lat=47.6787, Long=Long=-122.5463
Driving from Seattle:
- Catch the Bainbridge Island from downtown Seattle
- Proceed straight on SR-305 through Winslow up the hill.
- [After 0.6 miles (from the ferry dock), observe
Bainbridge Island Winery on
- After 3.8 miles, Left onto Day Rd.
- After 0.3 miles, Left into office park.
- Stay Left around first bilding.
- Right between first and second buildings, then Left.
The winery is the second dock in the building to the left.
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Prefer to make your own? Try these online mapping services...
(Click on companies logo for their main page,or click on the specific link to start browsing at the winery.)
TIGER Mapping Service
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Mike Lempriere