Art Pepper Discography - Blues For The Fisherman

Please note! If you have any recording or album cover with Art Pepper on it, that is not already listed here -- I want to know about it! Please send email to mikel about it. Thanks!

This disk does not appear in Selbert's official discog.

Apparently this is followed up by Blues for the Fisherman, also done at Ronnie Scott`s club.

Band: Art PepperTitle: Blues For The Fisherman
Label: ?Disk #: ?Disk copyright: ?
Milcho Leviev Quartet?, Milcho Leviev (pno), Art Pepper (as), Tony Dumas (b), Carl Burnett (d)
recording: Live at Ronnie Scott's, June 1980?
16:54Make A List, Make A Wish
7:22Sad, A Little Bit
11:36Blues For The Fisherman

Copyright © 1995-2025 Mike Lempriere (running on host bayanus)