Art Pepper -- Books

Art Pepper's autobiography Straight Life (558 pages) is available on Da Capo Press. It's a brutal up-close look at the life of a "junkie" whose life when not trying to "cop a fix" was only about music.

I found it to be an interesting read just as a jazz Bio. regardless of it's being about a man whose music I dearly love.

It's certain to be available via the Official Art Pepper website
The Art Pepper Companion is a year 2000 release, by Todd Selbert, Art's acknowledged and indefatiguable Sessionographer/ Discographer, on Cooper Square Press. It is a collection of articles from many sources collected over the years. Included are Martin Williams,Dan Morgenstern, Whitney Balliet, Ted Gioia, Gary Giddens and many others.

I enjoyed this as a reference work. Many of these writers highlighted things I'd never thought about before in Art's music.

Also certain to be available via the Official Art Pepper website

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