Art Pepper Discography - The Gauntlet (movie soundtrack)

Please note! If you have any recording or album cover with Art Pepper on it, that is not already listed here -- I want to know about it! Please send email to mikel about it. Thanks!

The front cover sleeve opens out into a 3x4 CD case sized poster for the movie. It's a painting, with plenty of bullet holes and broken glass in the bus in the background, and fire and broken car parts. A torn clothing Sondra Locke on her knees clings to Clint, sporting even more thoroughly torn clothing. (The artist took the liberty of making Sondra rather more chesty than neeeded.) It'd be easy to believe it was for a Science Fiction flick as opposed to a modern day city movie.

The back of the sleeve shows more photos of the movie, interspersed with text. The text includes a 3 paragraph biography of Jerry Fielding, which mentions that the arranger for this soundtrack was Lennie Niehaus. Another section titled The Music, adds little to the studio info. The remaining sections are The Film, and The Director (Clint Eastwood).

Band: Jerry FieldingTitle: The Gauntlet (movie soundtrack)
Label: Warner BrothersDisk #: 9362-47882-2Disk copyright: ?
Musicians: Art Pepper
Recording: unknown location/date
13:23Bleak Bad City Dawn
22:37The Pickup
33:07Exit Tunnel, Roaring!
44:38The Gauntlet
53:36The Box Car Incident
63:15Closer Look At A Closer Walk
72:29The Black Sedan
82:45Manipulation On The Center Divide
92:47The Delivery

(too big for scanner -- photographed)

Copyright © 1995-2025 Mike Lempriere (running on host bayanus)