Art Pepper Discography - Return To Alto Acres

Please note! If you have any recording or album cover with Art Pepper on it, that is not already listed here -- I want to know about it! Please send email to mikel about it. Thanks!

Band: Richie ColeTitle: Return to Alto Acres
Label: Palo Alto JazzDisk #: ?Disk copyright: ?
Richie Cole (as, ts, bars), Art Pepper (as, cl), Roger Kelleway(p), BobMagnusson (b), Billy Higgins (d)
recording: Coastal Records, San Francisco, 16-Feb-1982
released: Palo Alto Jazz Records, 1983
6:24Return To Alto Acres(vinyl side 1)
5:13Things We Did Last SummerArt does not play on this track (vinyl side 1)
7:07Art's Opus #2(vinyl side 1)
5:20A & R(vinyl side 2)
7:14Palo Alto Blues(vinyl side 2)
7:14Broadway(vinyl side 2)

Copyright © 1995-2025 Mike Lempriere (running on host bayanus)