Art Pepper - Sessionography - 15-Aug-1964

Please note! If you have any recording or album cover with Art Pepper on it, that is not already listed here -- I want to know about it! Please send email to mikel about it. Thanks!

Note! This entry was provided by Todd Selbert 06-Aug-2020 -- it is NOT included in the listing from Straight Life.

Note: The date for this session was arbitrarily chosen as the 15th - we only know that it was "August 1964".

Pete Candoli (tp), Conte Candoli (tp), Al Porcino (tp), Milt Bernhart (tb), Art Pepper (as), Donn Trenner (p), Joe Mondragon (b), Marty Paich (arr)
15-Aug-1964Hollywood, CA, USRCA Victor LPM/LSP-2967Frankie Randall
??She Loves Me
??My Kind Of Town
??When The World Was Young
??Our Waltz
??Once In A Lifetime
??I Believe in You
??One Morning in May(oblig.)
??The Cardinal (Main Theme)-Stay with Me
??On the Other Side of the Tracks(oblig.)
??As Long as She Needs Me

Copyright © 1995-2025 Mike Lempriere (running on host bayanus)