Art Pepper Discography - Timeless
Please note! If you have any recording or album cover with
Art Pepper on it, that is not already listed here -- I want to
know about it! Please
send email to mikel about it.
I only know of this disk through the website. The website
does have a song list, including 30 second audio samples. (I doubt
I'll ever have the time to listen to them all and try to place them by
memory.) My guess from looking at the song titles and a quick listen
to a few, I'm confident that this is yet another repackaging
of the
The Complete Surf Ride Plus.
If you have it, please feel free to scan and email me any information
on the jacket that would help me point to the exact sessionography
Copyright © 1995-2025
Mike Lempriere
(running on host bayanus)