Art Pepper Discography - True Blues

Please note! If you have any recording or album cover with Art Pepper on it, that is not already listed here -- I want to know about it! Please send email to mikel about it. Thanks!

This disk does not appear in Selbert's official discog.

Apparently this is a follow up to Blues for the Fisherman, also done at Ronnie Scott`s club.

Band: Milcho Leviev QuartetTitle: True Blues
Label: Mole JazzDisk #: Mole 5, 1981Disk copyright: ?
Milcho Leviev (pno), Art Pepper (as), Tony Dumas (b), Carl Burnett (d)
recording: Live at Ronnie Scott's, London, June 1980
10:59True Blues(vinyl side 1)
10:25Goodbye(vinyl side 1)
11:28Y. I. Blues(vinyl side 2)
6:20Straight Life(vinyl side 2)

Copyright © 1995-2025 Mike Lempriere (running on host bayanus)