MikeL's FreeBSD links

The following are "howto" links, mostly related to FreeBSD unix. These simply are my own notes.
Bear in mind these are not intended as thorough tutorials. They are mostly checklists and little tidbits that may not be mentioned in the "normal" docs, eg. man pages.

Socket controller project LED string project - DIY version
LED string project - FPP version Cheapy white LED xmas light string
Install Ports Collection 'pkg' itself
Update SSL certificate Fix streamripper
Bad console screen Broken boot
Name/IP change Change IP address
sshd new install 14.0
Creating my world from clean install 5.4 install problems
FreeBSD replacement install of release 12.4 FreeBSD replacement install of release 12.1
FreeBSD new install of release 11.1 FreeBSD new install of release 10
FreeBSD new install and bring in my stuff FreeBSD crashing
Upgrading between STABLE versions
Autostarting at boot Building a kernel
FreeBSD ftpd
DSL notes
ActionTec Q 1000 modem ActionTec C 1900 dual-DSL modem
iPhone ringtone install Weather station software install
Misc. (searching for info., etc.)
Setting up a firewall & blacklistd
Adding a new domain Making Apache work
Installing MySQL Updating/installing Perl
Networking named
cvsup/cvsupit (4.2-RELEASE ports==broken) emacs
Correcting the system clock automatically Notes on disks
Notes on users/passwd email handling (sendmail, pop3, popper, imap, majordomo, mailman, spam/abuse, blocklists, milter)
Adding an Uninteruptible Power Supply (UPS)
dhcp notes php5->php7 notes

Copyright © 1995-2025 Mike Lempriere (running on host bayanus)