MikeL's FreeBSD howto - 'dhcpd' Notes

This is basically a collection of notes I've jotted down as I tried to remember back to how I got 'dhcpd' to run under FreeBSD. The goal was to provide DHCP to my in-house network so I don't have to reconfigure my WinNT laptop networking every time I bring it back and forth from work. Note that the FreeBSD machine is a server -- not a client.

Thanks to the guys at FreeBSDDiary.org for pointing in me the right direction (their instructions are for clients).

My kernel originally had psuedo-device bpfilter 1
When starting dhcpd, I'd get the error: dhcpd: Can't find free bpf: no such file or directory
Upping the kernel value to 4, building a new kernel, and doing MAKEDEV as described above fixed this.

Sample listing: (/usr/local/etc/dhcpd.conf)

# dhcpd.conf for vintners.net (brix)
# MikeL  06-Dec-2000

option domain-name "vintners.net";

# Reminder: the following names are the INTERNAL network names...
option domain-name-servers balling.vintners.net, oechsle.vintners.net;

# I don't know if netbios is needed, but this is how it would go...
# Again, remember to use the INTERNAL network name(s).
# option netbios-name-servers epernay.vintenrs.net;

# Reminder: the following names are the INTERNAL network names...
option routers balling.vintners.net, oechsle.vintners.net;

deny bootp;

subnet netmask {

subnet netmask {

Copyright © 1995-2025 Mike Lempriere (running on host bayanus)