MikeL's FreeBSD howto - Majordomo
Do not use majordomo, it's long
dead. Installing mailman instead.
Ignore everything below...
This is basically a checklist of how to make Majordomo work. The
intent is not to cover everything in detail, merely to point you to
each of the tasks that must be performed.
(majordomo man page, text version)
First time only
Creating a new list:
- Edit /etc/aliases: Use one of the samples from the
readme/faq/etc. from Majordomo.
- Copy a list.config file. Change appropriately.
- If you're using moderated lists, you must have a value in the
'approve_passwd' field. Although I have seen installations where this
seems to be coming from the list.passwd file, I was not able to make
this work.
Copyright © 1995-2025
Mike Lempriere
(running on host bayanus)