MikeL's FreeBSD howto - Clock adjust
Something I'd strongly recommend you do is to have your
system's clock set for you automatically every time you reboot. As
we're talking about Unix here, this won't be very often, but it'll
surely be better than not doing it at all. (If you want to have your
clock corrected more frequently, start with a 'man ntpdate'.)
[note 02/18/2014] 'ntpdate' is ok, but do not run 'ntpd' on your
system unless you are updated - there is a nasty ddos attack going on
through this.
To have this done at boot time, simply add the following to
ntpdate_flags="-b timeserver"
Where I have the word "timeserver", you should put the system name or
IP address of your upstream providers time server. Ask your ISP for
his ntpdate server's address.
Note also that if you set up Samba for DOS/Windows file shares, you
can have the time set on the DOS/Windows machines automatically at
logon. Do a 'man 5 smb.conf' for more info.
Okay, so they changed the DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME dates...
(reference: article at techrepublic)
as root:
cd /tmp
ftp elsie.nci.nih.gov
(login as anonymous)
cd /pub
(find tzdata file -- use its name where I used tzdata2007c)
get tzdata2007c.tar.gz
mkdir tzplay
cd tzplay
tar xvf ../tzdata2007c.tar.gz
zic -d zoneinfo northamerica
cd zoneinfo
cp -r * /usr/share/zoneinfo/
(You'll want to use your TZ string where I've used PST8PDT)
zdump -v /usr/share/zoneinfo/PST8PDT | grep 2007
ln -fs /usr/share/zoneinfo/PST8PDT /etc/localtime
cd /tmp
rm -r tzplay
rm tzdata2007c.tar.gz
Note that to synch up your Windows boxes, as of Windows XP, they have
finally built in an NTP client.
Hit Start button->Settings->Control Panel->Date and Time
Hit the "Time Zone" tab at the top left. Set your time zone.
Notice the new "Internet Time" tab, click this.
Set the name of your time server here. Typically this will be your
corporate gateway, or your upstream providers network time server.
Please note that this setting should use a "stratum 3" or 4 server
unless this system you're configuring is to be a high stratum server
to provide for many other systems.
And another thing you should do...
If your FreeBSD system is providing DHCP, you should configure it to
provide the NTP server information to DHCP clients. (This is very
easy.) Simply edit your /usr/local/etc/dhcp.conf
and add
the line option ntp-servers a.b.c.d;
with your time
server's ip address. You can list multiple servers, seperate them
with a comma.
Copyright © 1995-2025
Mike Lempriere
(running on host bayanus)