MikeL's FreeBSD howto - Weather station

(Page last updated 19-Mar-2012)

I am installing a Davis Vantage Vue weather station, and want it to be available on the internet. I will try to document the successful attempts here. I'll probably include the earlier failures too...

Google search for "freebsd davis weather" comes up with only one obvious choice, so I'm trying it. http://www.wviewweather.com/

I've downloaded latest and tried to install it. Pukes. Did some google searching, found: FreeBSD Installation - wview user forum
Several of these packages puked when trying to install via make in ports collection. I had to do a google search for the first ones package name and found some old .ru site that had it. From there I was able to download several other missing/old dependencies.
Eventually gave up when could not get "sqlite3" to compile. Breaking point was that tcl package was " checksum mismatch" when I manually downloaded it into distfiles dir from several different websites, then not found on multiple refetches..

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