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Today's pile of plants, 11-Mar-2001...

Some of the plants I put out this week has been out before, see the previous pages for details. Specifically, there's: Yellow fern Corydalis, Digitalis (Foxglove), Geranium, Raspberry, Walnut.

Corydalis Blackberry Wine PPAF
(Left photo is a bit fuzzy, right shows detail of flower.)
Dark purple flowers with a whiteish tinge to the edge of the leaves, I love it! Like C. Lutea, seems to reseed fairly easily. Needs some moisture, and doesn't seem to mind partial sun. Another lovely facet of this flower is that it blooms earlyish (Mar.) and stays for months.

[Sorry no photo yet]
Heuchera? (Coral Bell)
Tiny pink flowers -- spreads slowly, needs some moisture, doesn't need a lot of sun.

Very large rubbery leaves, gets about 10" high, but covers a lot of ground with the large leaves. Quite resilient, works well in rockery walls, doesn't need much moisture.

Looks a bit like a like a very large three leaf clover, but is pinkish and slightly furry underneath the leaves. This is fairly invasive, be sure to put it somewhere that it can just take over. Needs some moisture, not much sun.

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