Free plants at Curbside page
Today's pile of plants, 27-May-2001...

Some of the plants I put out this week has been out before, see the previous pages for details. Specifically, there's: (still left over from last week, unclaimed) Chives, and French Sorrel.

(Sorry for the poor photo -- the plant is the spikey leaves on the bottom left, with a single heavy stem upwards to the right with the lantern-shaped white flowers hanging from it.)

The mother plant is directly above you when you are picking up the plant; bottom of the stairs, embankment on the right. This plant given several years can become very large. It seems to be very hardy and drought tolerant.

Propogate by breaking of a chunk from the bottom of the plant, and stuff it in dirt. Keep dirt moist for the first month or so.

Given the chance and enough years, this thing will become quite a monster with 6 foot leaves, and the top of the flower stalk 10 feet high.

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