MikeL's Guide to WA Wineries
Directions to Whidbey Island Vineyard & Winery
Set your GPS destination to: Lat=48.0231, Long=-122.3973
From South (Seattle):
From South (Seattle) (scenic route) [light green route on map]:
- Take I-5 North to exit 189 (SR-527) West.
- Stay on Mukilteo Speedway until it reaches the Mukilteo Ferry dock.
- Take the
Mukilteo/Clinton Ferry
across to Whidbey Island (typically about $7).
Clinton ferry dock camera (whidbey.net)
- Straight up main highway.
- After 2.8 miles, Right (towards Langley) on Langley Rd.
- [Note: After 14.6 miles,
Greenbank Farm is 0.5 miles Right on
Wonn Rd.]
- After 2.1 miles, Right into driveway.
From North (Bellingham):
- Take I-5 South to exit 230 (SR-20, Anacortes).
- Go West towards Anacortes.
- After 4.6 miles, observe SR-536 comes in from Mt. Vernon.
[Note: Pasek Cellars is in downtown Mt. Vernon.].
- After about 10 miles, Left onto SR-20 (West, Oak harbor).
After 6.0 miles you may wish to stop and see the
fabulous view at Deception Pass.
- After 9.5 miles, at the South end of Oak Harbor,
go right at "T" (stay right at signal on SR-20).
After 14.5 miles, observe Morris Farm Bed &
Breakfast accomodations.
- 2.2 miles past Morris B&B, SR-20 turns off. Stay with main highway
South (which becomes SR-525, don't go West to Port Townsend Ferry).
- [Note: After 6.0 miles, observe
Greenbank Farm
0.5 miles Left on Wonn Rd.]
- After 14.6 miles, Left onto Langley Rd.
- Follow "Driving from South" directions from step 7.
Note also that the scenic little town of Langley is about 1 mile East
of the winery, and includes a good microbrewery.
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Mike Lempriere